Файл:The heart of oak books (1906) (14753022132).jpg

Материал из Изи Вики

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Identifier: heartofoakbooks03nort (find matches)
Title: The heart of oak books
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Authors: Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908
Subjects: Nursery rhymes Fairy tales
Publisher: Boston, Mass. : D.C. Heath & Co.
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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as he could, and relatedto his mother all that had happened to him: she naturallyuttered imprecations at the vile magician; and lamentedthat she had no food to give her son, who had not tastedany for three days. Aladdin then showed her the lamp, and said, Mother,I will take this lamp and sell it to buy us food; but Ithink if I were to clean it first, it would fetch a betterprice. He therefore sat down, and began to rub it withsand and water. Immediately an awful genius appeared,and said, What wouldst thou have? I am ready toobey thee as thy slave, and as the slave of all who maypossess the lamp in thy hand. Aladdin said, I hunger:bring me food. The genius disappeared; but in aninstant returned with some delicate viands, on twelvesilver plates; he placed them on the table and vanished.Aladdin and his mother sat down and ate heartily. Thevictuals lasted them until the next night, when Aladdintook the plates and sold them. As they lived with frugal-ity the money kept them several years.
Text Appearing After Image:
AN AWFUL GENIUS APPEARED. THE N^W TOHI PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOft, LENOX AND TICDEN FOUNDATIONS. c THE HEART OF OAK BOOKS. 121 One day Aladdin saw the princess Badroulboudour, asshe was going to the baths. He was so struck with herbeauty, that he ran home and requested his mother to goto the sultan, and ask for the princess in marriage. Hismother thought he must be mad, and endeavored to dis-suade him from such a foolish desire; but he replied thathe could not exist without the princess. He then brought his mother the fruit which he had gath-ered in the subterraneous garden, and told her to take itas a present to the sultan, for it was worthy the greatestmonarch; he having found by frequenting the shops ofjewellers, that, instead of being colored glass, they werejewels of inestimable value. His mother being thus persuaded, set off for the sul-tans palace; wn^re^ having obtained an audience, shepresented the jewe!^ io* the sultan in a china vase. The sultan graciously received the present;

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:heartofoakbooks03nort
  • bookyear:1906
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Norton__Charles_Eliot__1827_1908
  • booksubject:Nursery_rhymes
  • booksubject:Fairy_tales
  • bookpublisher:Boston__Mass____D_C__Heath___Co_
  • bookcontributor:New_York_Public_Library
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:153
  • bookcollection:newyorkpubliclibrary
  • bookcollection:iacl
  • bookcollection:americana
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